Computing on the fly

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Posted by muckdiver on July 22, 2001 at 21:45:11:

The explaination of the process was clear enough, but I was hoping to further clarify this subject. Let's say you are following a wreck that's upright creating a sawtooth or yo-yo profile. My question I pose those familiar with on the fly computing is this, If a majority of bottom time is done at the deeper points used for the average, should some of the shallower depths not be included in the calculations? Or perhaps not push the NDL limits for the average that gets computed?

I would think that computing the deepest points only would be the safer route to go. I'm not into testing the envelope of my body's limits. DCI would seem like a possibility if due to the averaging of depths, the NDL time was longer than what it should be by not factoring the time spent at deeper spots.

I am quite possibly way off on this. But the only way to learn new ideas is to ask questions. Any insight would be appreciated.

Safe Diving
Bill G.

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