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Posted by randy54 on September 30, 2001 at 20:14:00:

It's been 2 1/2 months, but I finaly got wet again. Went to Anacapa on friday aboard the Spectre. Currents were running hard in all but a couple of places. We did our first dive on underwater island. Vis started out about 35-40. Decided not to bring my camera. It was nice just lazing around. Stopped at a feeding station, and watched while doing fin pivots for about 10 mins. Kind of fun watching the pecking order. Found a nest of some 20 bugs, all looked about 5+ pounds. Just a day early for picking though. Our second stop was at underwater arch. lots of sealions out playing. every couple of minutes 1 to 4 would showup and buzz us. One stoped and layed on the bottom while my dive buddy took pics, and I peeked over a large rock eye to eye. It seems content to pose for us, until another diver came swooping in. Later, my buddy poked his head into a small cave, and a sealion slid in along side of him to see what he was doing. Our third dive ended up back on underwater island. Ted looked all over for another spot, but the currents were just too much. In all the dives I've gone on with the Spectre, that was a first, so no big deal. Ted droped the anchor about 5 ft from the bug hole I found on the first dive. for most of the dive, I hung onto kelp strands and swade with the surge, just looking around. It was a nice change to go without the camera, and not being a hunter, it didn't bother me too much to have to leave all those juicey limon and butter troffs hiding in their hole. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

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