Re: It is a separate project

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Posted by Eric Frasco on July 29, 2002 at 09:29:12:

In Reply to: It is a separate project posted by Elaine on July 25, 2002 at 18:03:58:

Actually, the mooring project was championed by Steve Maderas. But Steve and his wife Diana recently sold their shop (Scuba Luv) at Catalina, so I don't know if they retired and moved away or what. But I have attended CCD meetings where Steve gave briefings on the status of the mooring project.

Also, Steve was working with Dale Sheckler (CA Diving News) on the mooring project, but they ran into some trouble when their drill bit got stuck when they were drilling out a new mooring site. They jokingly refer to the stuck bit as "excaliber." Haven't heard whether or not they got the bit out, or if they plan on getting a replacement so they can put in more moorings.

Sea life grows pretty fast here in California, unlike warmer waters where anchoring damage to coral reefs is readily aparent. But damage does occur and moorings are a good idea.


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