The Great Escape has been "TAGGED"

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Posted by Captain Tim on June 10, 2003 at 19:42:14:

Well, I guess it was inevitable. The GE has been "Tagged". I always expected it to happen in the heads, or perhaps the wood rails. But no………
I asked Chris to take a picture of one of my props last weekend, to check for damage. I check the props often as they cost about $5000.00 a piece and because of the water action a small ding turns into a large one soon.
Anyway Chris took the pics for me, and told me I would not like what I saw. I thought I had serious damage, but that was not to be.
The letters DIR have been carved into one of the props. I have thought about these initials for a long time, only to conclude they must mean. "DAM I'M RIGHTEOUS". That can be the only explanation, as I can't believe any other group would, or could, endorse such an action.

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