re bbearfeld's earlier comments on drifting dan

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Posted by bruce bearfeld on May 11, 2004 at 02:28:00:

i asked ken curtis to post my comments on drifting dan. early monday i was cyber mugged by those with their own agenda. i post this in order to dispel any deliberate disinformation re myself and to answer personal attacks made upon me. i feel that all should know the type and caliber of people posting on this site and freely offer the following;

bruce bearfeld
certified NAUI OW 1980
certified la county basic 1981
assisted richard streid at calstate northridge
completed LA county instructor program 1984 31UICC
receieved award for academic excellence, #1 of class
crosscertified NAUI#7931/PADI#22280 1985
began instructional company 1986 remained active until 2001
became field rep for various dive equipment vendors 1986 until present.

nowhere in my posting was this information present
diver joe, apparently already knew of me, said i should keep my opinion to myself as i am an industry professional, and then proceeded to contact at least one of my vendors in order to "get me in trouble" because he did not like what i had to say. sorry diver joe, it didn't work. they are all laughing at you. as am i.

my response;

1. i stand by my earlier comments
2. since diver joe knows so much about me, he must also be involved in the industry and should stay off the nets and keep his fat mouth shut....
according to his own logic that is.
3. for old joe to attack me personally because he did not agree with my opinion is unconscionable.
to then attempt to maliciously endanger my
livelihood and to do so from the shadows while hiding behind a fictitious email moniker is beneath contempt.

you are obviously akin to slime, afraid to come out and own what you say in the light of day. that fact alone tells everyone exactly how much credibility to attach to your vituperative hyperbole.

i refuse to engage further with a pathetic coward.

your comments have been printed out and are in front of me. i am sitting in the smallest room of my house on porcelain. soon they will be behind me, where both you and your opinions belong.

bruce bearfeld

ps dear joe; please call more of my vendors and complain. they need a good laugh. let me provide you with a list;
dive rite pete nawrocky 800 495 1046
cetacea clayton gush 800 223 2833
atlan cecil sebastian 800 563 1306
st moritz burke gladding 800 663 1881
these represent about 70% 0f my income. have at it.

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