
Release of report on California’s Ocean Economy

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Posted by CA Resources on August 04, 2005 at 12:00:28:

TO: California Ocean and Coastal Community
FROM: Mike Chrisman, Secretary for Resources
DATE: August 4, 2005
SUBJECT: Release of report on California’s Ocean Economy

California’s Ocean Economy, a 156-page report highlighting the importance of the ocean and coast to California’s economy, was released on July 22, 2005 by the Resources Agency at the first California Ocean and Coastal Economic Summit. This report is the most comprehensive of its kind in the country to date and provides conclusive evidence that California has the most significant ocean economy in the nation. The report is available electronically at: resources.ca.gov/press_documents/CA_Ocean_Econ_Report.pdf

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's ocean action plan specifically called for the completion of this report and an economic summit to discuss its findings. The report was written by Dr. Judith Kildow, California State University Monterey Bay, and Dr. Charles Colgan, University of Southern Maine. The findings detail critical areas that include California's coastal economy, employment and gross state product; California's ocean economy versus other coastal regions; the growth in coastal tourism and recreation and commensurate decrease in wages; high coastal population density and an increase in inland population; and regional growth related to ocean economic trends.

Recommendations from the Economic Summit will be presented to the California Ocean Protection Council at their next meeting, September 23, 2005 in San Diego. This report is an important contribution to ocean protection as it demonstrates that efforts to protect California’s ocean and coastal resources not only benefit the environment, but play a significant role in maintaining and enhancing California’s economy.

If you have any technical questions regarding the report, please direct them to Dr. Judith Kildow at (831) 582-3223. Questions regarding other aspects of the document and its future use by the California Ocean Protection Council should be directed to Brian Baird, assistant secretary for ocean and coastal policy, at (916) 657-0198.

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