
Vet's Daytime 1/26

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Posted by Lee on January 26, 2007 at 15:13:01:

Date: 1/27/07
Dive Location: Vets (Daytime)
Buddy(ies): Jimmy & Cody
Time: 10:00 am.
Bottom Time: 56 min
Max Depth: 108 fsw
Vis: 15-20 feet
Wave height: 1-3 feet
Temp at depth: 57F
Surface Temp: 58F

I met up with Jimmy (The Bagman) and Cody at OML this morning. The incoming swell did not look to Kosher for a Cobble Beach entry so we decided to jam on down to Vets to see if it is diveable.

When we got there we saw one twosome getting ready (a very good sign). When we checked out the waves we saw that they were pretty small and that the entry would be a piece of cake. At that point Claudette pulls up and tells us about her WONDERFUL dive with Ken last night. Her story was way cool and I can’t wait to see the pictures from Ken.

We geared up, kicked out to the end of the pier and dropped down into decent vis. As we made our way into the canyon, there were tons of squid egg clusters all about. Each cluster had a guard that was either dead or dieing. The squid that were out today looked very lethargic. One thing I noticed that struck me as odd was the large number of Kellet’s Whelks having a field day munching away on the dead squid. I have never seen so many Kellet’s Whelks out and about as we saw today. I guess it was lunch time and the table was filled with copious amounts of dead squid to feed on.

Toward the end of the dive, Cody ran out of air so Jimmy and I took him to the surface so he can make his way back to the beach. We decided to go back out to around 30 or so feet and hand around for a while. It was good that we did this because we came across a baby horn shark. Below are some pictures from the dive and a video of the baby horn shark

Below are some highlights from the dive:

Link to Baby Horn Shark Video:

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