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Posted by Merry on January 06, 2014 at 12:53:15:

We encountered consistently flat seas near Redondo when making our first dips of 2014. Vis at the Barge, Golf Ball Reef, and Honeymoon Cove ranged from 12 to 30 feet, depending on the day. Plenty of diverse photo subjects to choose from. Here's an assortment of animals that struck my fancy, organized from smallest to largest.

Kevin Lee was with us on most of these dives; link to his photos given below.

I assumed this was a speck of debris on the nickle-sized Acanthodoris lutea, but it's a munnid isopod.
 photo MunnidisopodonAluteaDSC_4576_zps7ccf591a.jpg

Phil found another wonder on the barge, Dendronotis venustus, formerly D. frondosis
 photo DendronotusvenustuscrDSC_4280_zps73e12167.jpg

Megaloma worm
 photo MegalomaDSC_4610_zps0af4d40d.jpg

Serpulid worm
 photo SerpulidwormDSC_4446_zps9666bd81.jpg

Decorative mantle of the apple seed snail (we've seen several this year), Erato vitellina
 photo AppleseedsnailDSC_4590_zps8ca0646a.jpg

Felimare porterae
 photo FelimareporteraeDSC_4626_zpsca84a14f.jpg

Cadlina limbaughorum
 photo CadlinalimbaughorumDSC_4579_zps44416805.jpg

 photo Cadlinalimbaughpair_zps12d8488d.jpg

Felimida macfarlandi, formerly Chromodoris macfarlandi
 photo FelimidamacfarlandiDSC_4517_zps8c6e2868.jpg

Dendrodoris behrensi
 photo DendrodorisbehrensiDSC_4538_zps7297e25b.jpg

Not a clue; I call it the Paul Bunyan worm.
 photo PaulBunyanwormDSC_4546_zpsc2436e98.jpg

So scarce are the gelatinous inverts this year! Nanomia bijuga
 photo NanomiabijugaDSC_4439_zps48e49756.jpg

Kevin found one of my faves, Physophora hydrostatica.
 photo PhysophorahydrostaticaDSC_4498_zpscf6580d5.jpg

Berthella californica, the usual size.
 photo BerthellacalifornicaDSC_4525_zps90c5cdd0.jpg

MEGA Berthella californica
 photo BigBerthellacalifornicaDSC_4571_zpsd9a66b1b.jpg

This huge Triopha catalina was eating brittle stars.
 photo TriophaeatingbrittlestarDSC_4528_zpsc0cc706d.jpg

 photo grayspongeDSC_4449_zps99c930cf.jpg

Black sea hare, Aplysia vaccaria.
 photo AplysiavaccariaDSC_4605_zpsb8bb686e.jpg

 photo FriedeggwhitejellyDSC_4354_zpscf66594d.jpg

 photo RubberlipsampcroakerDSC_4493_zps0b19443f.jpg

Large Mola mola at the barge.
 photo MolamolaperchbargeDSC_4256_zps261598b2.jpg

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