
Hermosa Reef, Barge, and the Star of Scotland

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Roger on April 20, 2014 at 22:18:11:

I don't dive Hermosa artificial reef that often, I've just never found that much life on it, never found it to be that interesting. But I dove it yesterday and it was one of the prettiest local dives I've ever had, just full of life, and vis was better than average. There was a layer of green water and heavy algae in the middle of the water column, below the thermocline, but under that it opened up nicely and wasn't too dark.

Had the same conditions last weekend at the barge, never got around to posting those photos.

And last weekend I also dove the Star of Scotland and had about the worst vis I've ever had there, just a few feet. I don't do the star much, but it seemed different after the big storm. The side of the wreck with the triangular buttresses that held the fishing platform, I seem to recall that the sand was piled up pretty high there, up to the buttresses. They were well out of the sand now, a lot of the wall of the wreck was showing, and there were even portholes in it. I don't ever remember seeing those. I looked through them and could see some interior space, don't remember ever seeing that before either. I didn't explore it much, it was really poor vis.

Photos of all 3 trips at the link below.

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