
Partly Cloudy With A Chance Of Surge

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on June 08, 2014 at 16:11:40:

Merry and I returned to Golf Ball Reef to get better photos of a nudibranch she found yesterday. We never found it. Conditions had deteriorated overnight, leaving us with brown, sand-filled moving water. Most of the animals were in hiding. I was ready to abort the dive after twenty minutes of searching unsuccessfully for interesting subjects, but finally found a small abalone flopping around on a piece of red algae. I took a few shots, handed it off to Merry and continued searching.

I saw an octopus fleeing one of the rare fish on this reef larger than three inches. I motioned to Merry between shots. I finally got her attention and we switched places. She got what may turn out to be the best photo either of us has ever shot. She will post it soon.

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Naked golf ball

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