
Who laid those eggs?

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Posted by Merry on August 07, 2019 at 16:03:40:

Colorful opisthobranch eggs are one thing that really stand out on our reefs. Since catching slugs in the act of laying eggs is like finding treasure, Phil and I put together a collection of nudis captured with their distinctive, tell-tale egg masses. If you find a lone egg mass without the adult, this guide may help you identify it. Although most species are from Southern California, this includes a few from British Columbia.

Polycera atra
Polycera atra congregation

Okenia rosacea
Okenia rosacea

Flabellina trilineata (reclassified Orienthella trilineata)
Orienthella trilineata, formerly Flabellina trilineata

Doriopsilla fulva

Navanax inermis
Navanax inermis laying eggs

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