
Leap of Faith

Scuba Diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on February 29, 2020 at 15:45:30:

I tried convincing myself that dive conditions would be good today. It was supposed to be the calm before the storm but as we ventured out toward Palos Verdes the wind continued to grow. We checked out a few potential dive sites before settling for Halfway Reef.

The wind chop was building as we dropped. Our chain was at a strange angle. We're used to dropping straight down, but today we had to swim at 45° to the anchor. By the time we reached the reef, we nearly aborted the dive. Visibility was three feet and the surge was strong enough to make holding our cameras still very difficult.

I swam around the reef hoping for some relief. Thirty minutes later, the visibility opened up to five feet. By the time I reached the anchor again, Merry was already rinsing her gear on the boat. I stuck it out for a bit longer before calling it a day.

It's supposed to rain tomorrow and the nitrox compressor at Dive n Surf is down for the next few weeks. I see yard work in my very near future. :(

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