
Belated fish photos - God's Pocket, British Columbia

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Posted by Merry on February 06, 2022 at 12:45:44:

Black rockfish

Juvenile widow rockfish

Juvenile rockfish, possibly widow rockfish

Quillback and china rockfish in a typical setting

China rockfish

Juvenile copper rockfish

Male kelp greenling

Female kelp greenling after consuming a shrimp

Quillback rockfish

Red Irish lord

Wolf eel

Scalyhead sculpin

Scalyhead sculpin

Scalyhead sculpin

Sailfin sculpin - There was drama getting this one shot. Picture this, the first sailfin I'd ever seen, at night, on a silty bottom, when a red Irish lord landed a couple of feet away, intending to pounce. Instead of trying to get another shot, I watched the little fish escape underneath massive kelp blades.

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