
Last dive at Spongehenge for a while

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Posted by Max Bottomtime on May 31, 2023 at 16:09:58:

Merry and I haven't dived Spongehenge at the Hermosa Beach Artificial Reef for several months. I saw Jim (ScubaFever) Cassidy's video from a few days ago and the conditions looked favorable. We dropped down this morning and immediately noticed that the cleaning station we call the Rodeo Bar was now on the sand. Winter storms have wreaked havoc on the reef. A few other pilings were now missing completely. Without the cleaning station, the Giant Sea Bass were not sticking around today. We had a few drive-byes but none that wanted to stay. Visibility was a decent twenty-five feet with 54° at depth.

Rodeo Bar on the sand

The Gray Moon sponge that gives Spongehenge its name is mostly gone

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