Posted by Merry on September 16, 2024 at 14:28:56:
July Schooling black croakers and blacksmiths on the Redondo sunken barge and the salp, Thetys vagina.

The salp, Thetys vagina

Yellow zoanthid

August Hermosa Artificial Reef Gray moon once covered most of the vertical concrete piling at Spongehenge. Corynactis californica was its only competition. Since most of the sponge is gone, the bryozoan Watersipora subtorquata is gaining a foothold.

The flatworm, Pseudoceros luteus, on top of Spongehenge.

The Avalon wreck, Palos Verdes.

Thetys vagina

Open ocean dive (actually more of a dangle) 6 miles west of Redondo Beach I found my first sea cherub, Cliopsis krohni, a pelagic snail.

Sea butterfly, Corolla spectabilis

Ctenophore, Beroe cucumis

Golf Ball Reef Flatworm, Pseudoceros montereyensis and Baptodoris mimetica.
 Hudson's dorid, Acanthodoris hudsoni

Jorunna pardus

Feather duster worms, Eudistylia polymorpha

Hyperion 1-mile outfall pipe, El Segundo, CA Massive ochre stars on the pipe weren't affected by (or exposed to) sea star wasting disease.

Two-spot octopus and red rock cleaner shrimp.

For years, pipe stanchions were covered with gray moon sponge, but featherduster worms dominate.

A few clumps of gray moon sponge remain.

The compound tunicate, Didemnum sp.
