
Sept. and Oct. in Santa Monica Bay

Outer Bamnks diving on the Great Escape Southern California Live-Aboard Dive Boat

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Posted by Merry on October 20, 2024 at 16:22:19:

Although Phil and I have been diving close to home thanks to fog, we had some productive dives at Hermosa Artificial Reef and on the Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant 5-mile outfall pipe.

At Spongehenge, Hermosa Artificial Reef, giant sea bass reveal each of their unique spot patterns. They can be positively identified and cataloged by their spots, making them quite an endearing fish.

Calico bass gather under one of the many pilings that form an overhang.

Gray moon sponge and Corynactis californica on the piling for which the site was named.

On the Hyperion 5-mile outfall pipe in El Segundo, a bonanza of nudibranchs made for repeated dives.
Limacia mcdonaldi is usually hard to find, but dozens here were mating and laying eggs.

Acanthodoris lutea was also in abundance, tailing, mating and laying eggs.

Egg mass peeking out from mating A. lutea with a characteristic egg mass nearby.

Acanthodoris lutea exhibiting "tailing" behavior, where one tracks the mucus trail of another.

An example of how nudibranch egg masses differ according to the species.

Juvenile calico rockfish sheltered in the rocks along the pipe.

The polychaete worm, Euphrosine hortensis.

Ribbon worm, Nipponnemertes sanguinea

Good grief these are tiny under-the-rock dwellers, but the granulose topsnail is very common. Calliostoma supragranosum.

How lucky I was to find an uncommon color variation of the granulose topsnail.

Round cup coral, Caryophyllia species.

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