Caste Potentials

When trying to examine human variation and potential, a good place to look is castes. Most societies have divided themselves up according to a relatively limited number of occupational castes. It makes simple economic sense and historically society has tended to be simple enough that it required a limited number of occupations. The basic castes are farmers, craftsmen, scribes, warriors, priests and rulers. Obviously these can break down further such as farmers may be herders or may be crop farmers. Traditionally each caste has also represented a tribal component within the society. They had customs that tended to perpetuate and reproductively isolate each caste.

Different societies had different tribes occupying the traditional occupational castes. The groups that became any particular caste had genetic predispositions that allowed them to function in that occupation (Darlington). The skills and needs were universal to civil societies, but methods differed.

Considering the geographic mobility of the urban castes there would have been a fair amount of intermixing between the different tribal groups that fulfilled the same caste occupation. In the case of the ruling caste, it was international from early in history. (Slavery and war created a great deal of hybridization between different castes, but that is another issue).

The point is that caste and occupational specialization are reflections of genetic dispositions as well. When trying to find what potentials humans have, here is a treasury of behavioral adaptation and innate skills. They could be selected for with out much danger of messing up social or reproductive patterns. We use technology for everything we do. Proper use of technology requires skills of mathematics, visualization, physical skill, patience and many other things. It seems that we have genes that make technology natural to us and they should be something that can be very additive in the genome without interference with other genes. They don't run the same risks of creating Machiavellian intelligence. Everyone could have innate technical skills. This would husband the genetic potentials of the castes.

This seems a good place to put this comment, until it moves elsewhere. Yes, be careful of how social behavior goes. You don't want to use artificial selection that results in social behavior being Machiavellian intelligence. Too competitive and not able to follow law. That behavior could preclude social cooperation let alone fun. More to the point though, back to this technology issue, in purely mechanical terms, realistically, artificial selection should allow for many of the calculation skills of a computer. Humans are amazing thinking machines to start with. They've evolved the intellectual potentials they have needed (primarily for social behavior). The other side of this is don't try to make Vulcans. The Star Trek archetype of intellect that is always logical and completely rational seems a bad idea from what I can see. What is their motivation? It seems a limitation, not a opening, but it might be a strategy. Then I want to see a genetic based radio transmitter and receiver, but that might take some genetic engineering. Who needs machines to do what a gene can.

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