
Status is a behavior, an institution and a belief. It is also a key to how humans act.

There are many kinds and meanings to wealth. Wealth can be material, genetic, technical and other things. It can be beauty, money, skill and position. One of the most important forms of wealth is status. In terms of biology, it is described as the reproductive group that you have access to. In terms of reality, it dictates much of the form of human decisions. Status is a fundamental and important aspect of how we socially interact organize and regulate our society. In analyzing any characteristic of human habit or belief, consideration of its relation to status is usually pertinent. It will also be the key to developing habits that can allow long term human survival.

Status and class have more mobile meanings than does caste. Caste refers not only to occupation and status, but to tribe. Class refers more to status and usually economic position. Class may not refer to tribe. In recent history, status and class has come to be very closely related to material wealth and to a large extent, beauty ( as in the past as well ). The source of our primary value system is the aggressive Indo-Europeans. We compete for status, by the methods and value system of pastoralists. There are some.. other value systems, aggressively attacked by more fundamental elements of the society ( ignorant people ) who instinctively attack any sign of change or challenge to their value system. The values of the pastoralist are just what can be seen presently.

There is another form of status that this society recognizes to some extent. That is intellectual ability. Both the actor and the sport star are likely to acquire monetary wealth. This is usually not the case for the intellectual artist, but there is a status system involved. In a way it is like beauty, but it is so antithical to the common aggressive system of the society, that it becomes a separate status value and system. It is a very visible contrast between genetic wealth and material wealth. Beauty fits into the aggressive system better than creative ability and is often equated directly with material wealth. In a system dominated by aggressive exploitive values, The exploited class becomes low in status. Creativity is antithical to the values of the society. It is presently so important that you can get away with it some, if you are apologetic. One thing rigidly enforced by the society, it is unforgivable for an individual to claim superior intelligence. It may be due to the present lack of any real understanding of what intelligence means, but more likely it is seen as an assault by the aggressive value system. Perhaps intellect without the drive of aggressiveness is too limited.

It seems likely that what we consider material wealth, actually represents an ecological element as novel as wars of conquest were 8000 years ago. Before agriculture, there were very few things that constituted wealth, especially durable wealth, other than territory. A question must be asked about the meaning of wealth. Is it something to be created or is it to be amassed? Money has so much meaning now. It can save a life or destroy a family. It can be part of status and it can enhance mate selection. It can compete with the critical values that constitute morality. Money is a critical part of the organizational system, upon which our society is based.
Presently, economics is based mostly on the rules of supply and demand. What would happen if something, perhaps technology, changed the nature of the supply or the demand? What other factors would have to be considered?

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