
Sorry, but there isn't much of what most people would consider a well done bibliography. Realize that this did not start as a scientific study really. I started it in Junior High School. It was simply an obsession. Science was the vector I found. The timing in science and society was perfect and I had just the right instructors at just the right times. I grew up in the time of Apollo and the many revolutions of the time. Science was king with unlimited promise. Free thinking was accepted. That worked for me, but I also had a religious background from a person who knew science as well. I could go on. I was an unusual person in an unusual situation. So much I represent a fusion of many things that were the social forces of the time. Most are already gone. Still, the books were my biggest source of information and ideas. They remain. Lets see what a list I can make of books and experiences that have taught me what I know.

Really, this is not meant primarily to be science. It is composed of facts and principles that are science, but the structure is primarily reason. Science is very misunderstood. Before anything is science, it is considered philosophy. No matter how factual or empirical a test of a hypothesis is, it is not science until it has gone through a process that makes it part of the body of science. Going through that process will get a researcher a 'Doctorate in Philosophy' (PhD). One of the essential parts of that process is to cite all of the literature and research used to support the hypothesis. That is not done here. While this primarily takes the form of science and some parts are strictly science, it is unquestionably a book of philosophy based on reason to extend what is science.


Start with one heck of an education, primarily in biology.

Stir in many books on science, especially the ocean. The ocean and ocean life has fascinated me since I was about 12 years old. There is where you can see the simplest and most dynamic patterns of life.

Mix in most of the Science Fiction written from say the 40's to the 90's, plus Olof Stapelton. I like to refer to it as Speculative Fiction. Somebody had to describe the potentials of the new sciences. We cannot make it to much of a future blind. It includes E. E. Doc Smith, Kenneth Robenson, Robert Howard, Robert Heinlien, Gordon Dickson, Isacc Asimov, Larry Niven, David Brin, Frank Herbert and so many more.

Then cook in a broth of C.D.Darlington - "The Evolution of Man and Society". Simon and Schuster.
A huge part of this, in many ways the start and solution, are about genetics as described by C.D.Darlington. I hope I brought his work further.

Spice with G. E. Hutchinson - Homage to Santa Rosalia
This is a landmark thesis in the study of evolution. I will always remember the ecology class when Professor Moldenke described that paper. That thesis seems to tell the future of humanity and all other life.
I mention that paper in particular, but every theorem about ecology and biology are treasures of knowledge. Some like Homage to Santa Rosalia stand out as great truths.

Desmond Morris - The Naked Ape. Well, it does tell about some human characteristics nicely.

Michael Polanyi - Personal Knowledge, Tacit Dimension...
This scientist and philosopher described a lot about how ideas form and emerge. He said some other very interesting things.

Karl von Frisch - Bees. Very fascinating.

Conrad Lorenz on Nature and Nurture.

Ayn Rand - Who described a human as one with such strength.

Ashley Montegu - Touching - Because it is so important.

My broad education in computer technology has taught me a lot, including how computer methods compare to human methods of data processing.

A good deal of study of sensory perception in the animal world.

Maslow - Steps To An Ecology Of Mind.

I was taught self hypnosis. There is much to learn there, including breath control.

That's enough for now. More later.


There are some peculiar things that should be mentioned, because they effected how my conclusions were reached and perhaps even what they are. These factors work together in a way to complex for me to really figure out, but they sure did confuse the issue at the time.
I am big. I am big and very strong. By age 13 I was far bigger than most adults and into weight training. This effects your social situation. Partly, no one knows what to do with you. Partly it can put the focus of alpha competition on you. Of course just to make things interesting, I naturally tend towards little self-confidence and am quite capable of self-sabotage. That may sound odd and is a real nuisance in general, but in ways, it made me open to information. My ego did not get in the way as much as it might have. At the same time it completely messes with any social behavior based on social aggression. There is a fair amount of that when you are young, though it is usually unnoticeable unless there is something to cause conflict or social disorder. Something like a physically dominant person without any interest in or understanding of social dominance. I had a hard time understanding my peers, largely because I had a hard time understanding myself.

Just to make my size more noticeable, I bounce around like a small child. Most of my life I have had the energy of a 5 year old. Also, like 5 year old, much of that energy came out of my mouth. My energy is really the determining factor. It is what produced this book. It is what has driven most of my friends and acquaintances nuts. Better still, I am naturally over stimulated. Well, what is about the most stimulating thing for a human? An initial social encounter. If I find you interesting, you may just kick me over that edge into over stimulated un-intelligibility.

Many people think that I don't listen. Some people that have known me longer have figured out that if you tell me something, I am probably not ignoring it as it seems, I am recording it for later consideration. It is small consolation at the time, but it shows that I tend to think slow and deep and do anything I can that will drive people crazy.

I was an electrician for many years. That gave me the uninterrupted years I needed to think about human ecology. I could plan my course and then work for hours without needing to think about it much.
