A human Future

So what do humans need to survive into the future? What kind of future can humans create for themselves and their descendants? It's difficult to answer for many reasons, including that the basis of human ecology, a long term energy supply, is not in use yet. Still, much of humanities future already lies within humanity.
Maybe this should list what this might accomplish and what it probably won't accomplish. It will be progress, but what progress? How about it will free us from fear, want and ignorance or life, liberty and the persuit of happiness. Those sound like good goals that I have heard of somewhere before and fit here some.
Note that this is intended to be the expansion of a meme. This entire book is the parts of a single related, "integral" idea. If it is created properly, you can learn from it and you are most likely not going to know when you learned it, because it will just fit into what you already know.

It will free us from fear of disease. Maybe we can do the same thing with some nanotechnology, super drugs along with quarantine procedures. Maybe it will take genetic improvement, drugs and technology just to survive. In any case, if current events around SARS is any example, people are going to live in a well founded fear of diseases.

Will we be free of want? Could you imagine how much more productive we could be if people were all healthy, if they were more skilled, better learners and they had more advanced methods of cooperation. It could be argued that much crime would not exist if people were more intelligent and if we had better philosophies. Besides, this is not just about using artificial selection or developing moralities, it is about humans doing those things to find a new niche to survive in. That means that the goal is to create and adapt to an ecology that we can survive in. That will not happen unless humans get very good solutions to their resource needs.

Freedom from ignorance. What a concept. Would we still be human then? I say we would, because humans have a potential for greatness.
One of the biggest problems on the entire earth is tribalism. It is a survival method, but at the same time it is the source of so much warfare and destruction it is almost unimaginable. The Racism Essay describes how artificial selection could make tribalism a thing of the past.
In a more general sense, artificial selection could be used to raise the average intelligence of humans. Some of the implications of this are discussed elsewhere, but here I refer to it as freedom from ignorance.

Racism Essay

Humans are entering such a completely new niche that it is not possible that we could be adapted to it. No race or tribe has what it will take to survive in the future. It will take all the potentials currently available to humanity and more.

Racial issues were not the main focus of this study. This paper is really based around a particular consequence of medicine and other modern forces on natural selection. To do this though, required that a great deal of diverse information about humans be collected and understood. Some of the issues covered, relate to racial issues. Humanity faces a larger problem, but the solution to that problem will ultimately solve current problems of racial relations. It can also offer some short term hope. Something that has sometimes been missing from these issues.

I had to accumulate a great deal of information to figure this all out. I will summarize a couple of points. 1. C.D.Darlington - "The Evolution of Man and Society". An incredible book that describes human genetics through history and explains the significance of hybridization. It is the primary way that humans have evolved since the beginnings of the cities and maybe before. His work makes the obvious point that race is more a political term than biological one. The more accurate description of how humans genetically vary is "tribe".
The first part of my paper, parts of which are on my web site, is mostly a technical discussion of human ecology and genetics derived from his work. It discusses a lot of history of natural hybridization and its consequences.
According to Darlington, historically racism was a caste system. There were different tribes/societies living together, but occupationally specialized and seperate. Religion prevented intermarriage and perpetuated each society.
I have to say that this is accurate stuff, but it is very out of context. Racial issues are an implication of my work, but are not the main point. Here are some points that describe how this work relates to racism in the context of hybridization.

1. The downside of hybridization is that the first generation (F1) of hybrids is "superior" to the parent generation (P). After that, the next generations (F2...) are likely to be "inferior" to the parental generation. In history, natural selection has taken care of this and selected for the superior, stable hybrids. That has been human progress. Realize, humans instinctively know this and so know why, under present conditions, the races/tribes cannot be merged. This study says how it can be done.

2. Much of current "human progress" is largely a matter of removing natural selective effects. We will naturally develop a genetic load from this. That will be disasterous. The simplest safest solution to this would be to do pre-implantation artificial selection. I know that is pretty controvercial in itself, but I have extensive responces to that. It passes the palatability tests. In short form, it wouldn't hurt the family.
Most people that I have mentioned pre-implantation selection to reply with "why would I want to do that". I respond that "you are healthy and intelligent, but what if you had diabetes or a hereditary heart condition. What would you do to prevent your children from getting that?" They usually see my point then. I can also say "what do you respect the most about yourself or your mate? Wouldn't you want to insure that your child inherited it. There is no guarantee you know." Actually there is a lot more to it and even better reasons, but those are much easier to understand when I am talking to you.
All races will develop a genetic load.
In Chapter 5 is described how we can introduce pre-implantation selection so that the hybrids are consistently equel or "superior" to the previous generations. It also says why we must. It also includes a description of how and why people can come together and why they have not in the past. There are good and simple reasons why the tribes have stayed apart in the past, but don't have to in the future. It says that present concepts of inferiority or superiority take on entirely different meanings, such that differences between races and tribes can be discussed rationally and without animosity.
There are lots of implications to this. Not only could the races mix, but there would now be advantages to it. Humans could no longer think in terms of "inferior" or "superior" and the natural problems of hybridization, they would think in terms of "what genes do you have that I don't and could use". While it is a statement about genetics, it will effect beliefs all through society. Not only that, but as far as I have been able to test, the idea is a natural one that does not conflict with instinct.

3. If you use artificial selection, other potentials open up. The disaster of genetic load can be prevented, but it is best to look at this in these terms.
a. The first potential is that we could remove most genetic diseases and genetic based weaknesses... genetic load.
b. The second potential is that we could increase the frequency of "superior" traites. Everyone could have health, beauty and brains.
c. The third potential is that the human race could become "post tribal". Racism would be meaningless. Individuals would have the best genetic potentials of the different present races.
These statements are both simple and complex. That is why I wrote a long paper to discuss them further. Still, it really starts as a needed solution to an oncoming problem. Secondarily is how it could effect humans so as to change a number of other problems and make them go away, racism included.
As far as racism, this stuff gives short term hope and a long term solution.

Much of the basis of this study relates to a look at what would be called Western Culture, but the conclusions apply to all races. What we call Western civilization is descended primarily from four tribal groups, Sumerians, Semites, Indo Europeans and Celts. What happened to them and how they came together, says much about how modern racial issues can ultimately be resolved. This does not depend on wishful thinking or better human nature, instead it relies on human self interest.
Chapter 3 describes C.D. Darlington's description of how the tribes and races came together that created what is called the Western Peoples. This study will have to be repeated for all the peoples of the world.

If you compare human genetics to the genetics of cheetas, it can point to different levels to of selection. Cheetas are a very non-diverse species as opposed to humans which are about the most diverse animal specie of all. In chapter 5 is a complete discussion why that is important and how it relates to what is happening to human genetics.

What we don't know or is different, we tend to fear. What we fear, we tend to hate.
In natural conditions, it is hard for the races to intermingal. Races differ. Some are stronger and some are weaker. Instinctively, humans know the consequences of this and they are dire enough that they can never be admitted. The consequence is the eventual demise of the "inferior" race(s). Under present circumstances this is truth. For that reason, that fact cannot be admitted. I can say it though, because I know a way out. My work says how to change this equation. This will be a win win situation for everybody. All races have superior components that can be of benefit to other races.
This paper rarely touchs on any topic that sounds like "inferior" or "superior", but a person must understand their strengths and admit their weaknesses before they can do anything with them. Before, nothing could be done. I am saying how individuals, familys, tribes and races can now improve themselves by enhancing their strengths. If they don't want to, they will not survive and others will.
I can talk race to people because I know the truth, tell it and know what optomistic potentials there are. Think of what the racial issue would look like if a person were looking at other races and thinking about what genes they might have to offer.

I think it was Mark Twain that said that if one morning, we all woke up the same, we would have our new prejudices in place by the afternoon. That may not be entirely true. With a bit more intelligence and some new understandings, we may become a single, great people.
