Re: Groups with Definable Philosophies

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Posted by Glenn on August 15, 2001 at 17:25:33:

In Reply to: Re: Groups with Definable Philosophies posted by MHK on August 15, 2001 at 11:29:09:

"By doing it the way GUE does it, you are under direct supervision and you've worked your way out of a simulated situation and you'll be confident you'll be able to handle it should it occur.."

PADI/NAUI/etc Instructors will do the same thing. At least they should if they are at least a half-way decent instructor. Simple "emergency" situations should be taught. A simple removal of the mask underwater sitting on the knees may not seem like much, but it shows that loosing a mask is a recoverable situation and need not be met with panic.

As far as a controlled ascent without a mask (impossible under DIR since they require two masks before you can belong to their club right?) it isn't that incredibly difficult. The biggest thing, as with any unplanned occourance, is being able to deal with it and stay level headed. At least that was from my experience. Sure some couple taking their crash resort course may react differently only having logged a half-hour of pool time, if even that.

As far as GUE being a better training organization, if that's what the comment was intended to imply, how many off-the-street, don't know a the second stage from the BCD's oral inflator, never swam with fins on trainees does GUE get? I've always been under the impression that GUE was more of an advanced diver class. Along the lines of the high performance driving schools require you to at least know how to drive a sedan for starters.

As for getting PADI/NAUI/SSI/YMCA/Al & Ed's Certs/etc. to raise the bar on their training standards, how about approaching them with it, or at the least, their instructors. The agencies simply set the minimum standards. It is ultimately up to the instructors to evaluate if the students have the skills necessary for certification. If the students don't exhibit those skills it is the instructors' responsibility to not certify them. And if the student goes crying to their training agency the agencies need to back up their instructors' decisions. Responsibility also falls upon the student to speak up if they do not feel comfortable or shaky with skills.

Bottom line--It's not just the agencies' responsibility but the intructors and students must accept some responsibility as well.


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