Thousands of squid at 9:30PM

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Posted by Chris on November 11, 2001 at 03:04:42:

In Reply to: In search of elusive Redondo squid. Dive report. posted by Maciek on November 11, 2001 at 02:05:16:

I got to Redondo about 9:15 PM, Saturday, November 10, 2001.
The water was glass with 1 ft. shore lappers for surf.
About 200 yards out, the water was covered with birds, many diving at something in the water.
I could also see "boils" of fish feeding.
I figured that was where the squid were.
I swam out to the middle of the birds.
It was between the two staircases, in about a direct line between the end of the long breakwater and Topaz Jetty.
I swam down and saw a few squid as I dropped.
The deeper I got, the more squid I saw.
When I reached the bottom bout 130 ft. there were thousands.
The bottom was carpeted with eggs.
There were batrays, angel sharks, fish, crabs, two lobsters, all taking part in a giant feeding frenzy.
As I swam back toward shore the frenzy thinned out, became thicker in the 60 to 75 ft. range and almost vanished shallower.
It was such a cool dive I decided to go back, but I did 1½ hour SIT.
When I went back in at 11:30 there were still some squid, but the main frenzy was over.
However batrays, angel sharks, round stingrays, snails, sculpin, crabs, and many other fish were still there feasting on the many now dying or dead squid.
It was a great dive!

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