Re: I think we agree on most of this....

JuJee Beads, handmade flamework glass beads

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Posted by MHK on November 13, 2001 at 17:08:56:

In Reply to: I think we agree on most of this.... posted by msblucow on November 13, 2001 at 17:00:52:

Posted by msblucow on November 13, 2001 at 17:00:52:

My perception of Nitrox out here was that it was an expensive pain in the ass, so I never bothered to look into certification

That is by-in-large the largest source of my frustration with the misinformation campaign headed by the one and only Ken Kurtis.. In my direct conversations with Ken he has told me that he felt it his duty to continue to spread misinformation because he felt that the dive industry was promoting Nitrox or *Safe Air* as a wonder gas, and he felt that it wasn't so he had no problem spreading misinformation to counter the marketing..

Nitrox is very slow to take off out here based upon many factors and I believe that Ken shares a portion of the blame.. I would love to see more boats offering Nitrox and more shops supporting Nitrox.. Believe it or not I was actually disappointed when Sport Chalet abandoned their Notrox efforts when they let Gordy go.. My sense is that once Sport Chalet offers it, the smaller shops will follow suit because Sport Chalet will funnel the masses through the classes and you'll have a saturated market that will mandate other follow suit to stay competitive...


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